Food Variety is the spice of our daily menu.

Most people want to live as long as possible. My recipes have been designed to help you do just that. I hope they stimulate your creative thinking so that your kitchen becomes more vibrant and alive. Somewhat of new venture that takes you to an exciting world that you have created for your family or just for yourself.

For those who continuously worry about weight gain I suggest to forget all diets, just use one food strategy in your life: COOK FROM SCRATCH ANYTHING YOU WANT TO EAT!!


Each day we enjoy drinking many different kinds of beverages. We may or may not think about all the nutrients they contain or how our body processes to keep us well nourished and healthy. Water is the must abundant constituent of the body. Next to oxygen , water is most important to sustain life.


The morning breakfast provides the body with essential nutrients after the longest night break in eating. Breakfast reduces the feeling of hunger in the morning and allows you to wake up faster. Breakfast will keep you energized for the hours ahead. Do not forget your breakfast!


What is fermention? Fermentation is the process in which a substance breaks down into a simpler substance. Microorganisms like yeast and bacteria usually play a role in the fermentation process, creating beer, wine, bread, kimchi, yogurt and other foods. Fermented foods are preserved using an age-old process that not only boosts the food's shelf life and nutritional value but can give your body a dose of healthful probiotics — live microorganisms crucial to good digestion. The digestive tract is teeming with some 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms


Soups are a rich source of minerals, including potassium to regulate blood pressure, iron to prevent anemia, and phosphorus and calcium to keep bones and teeth healthy. It is also a treasury of vitamins, especially the so-called antioxidant vitamins that prevent the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. Homemade soup is good for the soul. It warms you inside and out. It’s nice to eat at the dinner table, but equally as enjoyable alone sitting by a window all wrapped up in your favorite blanket, sipping the steamy soup spoonful by spoonful. We call this “hominess” in Canada and Danish call it “hygge”. Soup making for me relates to a feeling of authenticity, warmth and togetherness.


Today, the variety of salads are greater than ever. Freshness and variety of ingredients are essential for high quality salads. Lettuce, of course, is the first choice for most people, but many other foods can make up a salad. There are 6 main categories that can make a superb, high in nutrients and simple to assemble salad. All you need is salad greens, raw vegetables, cooked/pickled/or canned vegetables, starches, fresh/frozen/cooked/canned or dried fruit and protein foods. I myself enjoy a main course salad which forms a balanced meal with substantial portion of protein such as egg, meats, seafood, nuts etc.

Because plants are capable to synthesize energy from sunlight and air, and combining it with minerals from soil, they are crucial source of nutrients that are essential to life of all living things on our plant including us humans.


Pierogi arrived on Polish territories in the 13th century. The were probably imported from the Far East via eastern neighbors and known today as Ukraine, perhaps thanks to Hyacinth of Poland (a monk in a Kiev monastery who became patron saint of pierogi). Cookbooks from the 17th century describe how during that era, the pierogi were considered a staple of the Polish diet, and each holiday had its own special kind of pierogi created. They have different shapes, fillings and cooking methods. Important events like weddings had their own special type of pierogi kurniki – baked pie filled with chicken. Also, pierogi were made especially for mournings or wakes, and some for caroling season in January. Baked pierogi were a typical and the most popular Christmas dish for a long time, especially on the east area. They were stuffed with potatoes, cheese, cabbage, mushrooms, buckwheat or millet. The most famous is the Biłgoraj pierogi stuffed with buckwheat, potatoes and cheese and then baked in the oven.


Chicken and turkey are popular in diet-conscious people because they are lower in fat and cholesterol than other meats The term 'game' applies to wild animals and birds that are hunted and eaten. It also includes birds and animals once caught in the wild that are now raised domestically, such as quail, rabbit and deer (the latter two can be farmed or wild; quails are no longer allowed to be shot in the wild, so are always farmed). It is healthier to buy pasture-raised poultry. It cost more, but it’s healthier and you will eat less of it. BUY FROM LOCAL FARMERS.

BEEF and PORK RECIPES click here

Beef and Veal contain a wide range of nutrients, especially vitamin B12, B6 , niacin, riboflavin, iron and zinc. They are major source of high quality protein .All red meats should be consumed in moderation as they are high in saturated fat and can increase blood cholesterol levels. It is healthier to eat grass-fed beef and pasture-raised pork. Buy meat from farmers who do not use any synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. Support farmers that work to encourage all of this biological life as they work in balance to increase the productivity and heath of the land, their animals and their community.

What are proteins?

  • Proteins are large, complex compounds. The translation of the term does mean “to take the first place” or “of first importance”. Proteins are part of every cell in our body. Proteins are organic compounds. Protein contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The basic structural of proteins is amino acids.

What’s the serving of beef or pork?

  • One serving of pork or beef is 50 g - 100 g.

What are the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDAs)for protein

  • It depends on gender and age, and reproductive status of women

  • Hard manual work and exercise does not increase the protein requirement unless some laborers and athletes who are developing greater muscle mass require some additional protein during the conditioning period.

  • for example: the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein to consume is between 0.50 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight for female 50+. Unfortunately, most people routinely ingest extra protein. References from “Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy” 8th Edition by Emma S. Weigley, Domna Mueller and Corinne Robinson.


Seafood is and excellent source of complete protein. Eating fish 3 times a week has been associated with significant decrease in heart disease. All fish are rich in nutrients, especially in the water-soluble B vitamins. Only fish are particularly rich in vitamin A, D and K. Fish also supply a wealth of minerals: iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper and fluoride.


A balanced vegetarian diet provides essential nutrients while keeping weight down naturally . Also, vegetarians have few ills linked to fat consumption. Benefits: Vegetarians are less likely to be obese or have heart disease, lower blood pressure, and fewer intestinal problems than meat eaters. Drawbacks: Strict vegetarians diets may lack some vital nutrients and diets restricted to plants may not be adequate for children as they are constantly growing . It is absolutely crucial to combine plant foods to make a complete protein. Eating legumes( peanut butter) with a grain (whole wheat bread). Examples of complete protein combinations are: Rice and beans; Bean -vegetable chili served with tortillas, Hummus(made with chick peas and sesame seeds).


The word “dessert” emerged in the seventeenth century, derived from the French verb “desservir,” meaning “to clear the table” in English. Etiquette dictated that napkins and tablecloths be changed before the final course, which at the time was a delicate fruit course. In a courtly context, the course itself was known as “le fruit,” but the bourgeois renamed it “dessert.” After the French Revolution, the aristocratic “fruit” was fully replaced by “dessert.”

Dessert is a course that concludes a meal. In my opinion, a dessert that takes a longer time to prepare is the most enjoyable and often much lower in sugar content. A dessert is the best part of dining.


Since prehistoric times, bread has been a staple food in virtually every society. Traditionally, bread has been called the staff of life, implying that it alone is all that is required for total nutrition. Nothing should be added and nothing should be taken away from the grain –

Rituals and beliefs related to baking bread

Bread, and above all bread, played a very important role for all nations. It was associated with a number of beliefs and rituals. Grain was sprinkled on a newborn baby or placed in its cradle. Cereal grains were also thrown at the newlyweds and the bench on which the deceased lay.

During the wedding, the parents, holding bread, asked the bride: " what do you prefer - bread, salt or the groom ", and she replied: " bread, salt and the groom to earn for him ". Wedding guests were presented with sweet bread called a " wedding cone ". According to tradition, the bread guarantee that newlyweds will have enough food to eat throughout their entire marriage. The salt will bring them happiness and protect them from evil.

I buy my flour from Arva Flour Mill , in Arva, Ontario, which is located on the banks of the Medway Creek and is believed, to be North America’s oldest continuously operating water powered commercial flour mill since 1819. This natural heritage flour is made from non GMO wheat from small nearby farms. The vintage roller mills produce a heritage flour with no preservatives or undesirable commercial additives. The aroma of all my breads made from this great flour is amazing. There are many traditional millers who treat the grains with respect, retaining much of their goodness. Most of such flours you can even order online. Whatever flour you buy in North America make sure it is free from PRESERVATIVES, CHEMICALS OR ENHANCERS (such as Bromate, Azodicarbonamide (ADA), or Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate etc) A number of these additives may be found in commercial flours, from agents used as dough conditioners, to others that aid in the fermentation process. Read ingredients on anything you buy to ensure your family stays healthy after all you are their personal baker!


Mankind cannot survive without the nutritional and medical properties of plants. The number of plant species on Earth has been estimated at around 400,000, with many of these species remaining unknown to humans. All ancient and indigenous peoples insist their knowledge of plant medicines and cures comes from the plants themselves and not through trial-error experimentation.


Wine making, or viniculture, is a very ancient pursuit. According to legend, it began when Noah left his ark and at one planted a vineyard which helped him to live happily for a further 350 biblical years. But archeologists also believe the neolithic man was probably fermenting mead or wine as long as 10,000 years ago as a rather more healthy alternative to unpalatable bogwater available to him. Certainly, stone reliefs show grape vines were being cultivated by 2000 BC in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece.


In the pursuit of healthy living, it is essential to embrace, connect, and protect nature and our planet Earth. Embracing nature means seeking solace in its beauty and replenishing our senses by exploring its wonders. Whether it's hiking in lush forests, swimming in crystal-clear lakes, or simply enjoying a picnic under the shade of a tree, immersing ourselves in nature's embrace can rejuvenate our mind, body, and soul. Connecting with nature involves fostering a deep understanding of our interdependence with the environment. By engaging in sustainable practices like conserving water, reducing waste, and supporting local, organic farming, we can lessen our ecological footprint and forge a harmonious relationship with the planet. Moreover, protecting nature is crucial in safeguarding its biodiversity and promoting long-term health for ourselves and future generations. By advocating for environmental policies, protecting endangered species, and prioritizing sustainable development, we can ensure a healthier planet for all. Ultimately, healthy living is not just about personal well-being, but also about nurturing our connection with nature and safeguarding the Earth, our home🧡.